
CAR 794

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Given name + traits Accession # + images 
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Genetic data OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
CAR 794
Triticum aestivum
habit = Winter
status = Breeding/research material
order = available
GRIS{resistant = Pm}
# CItr 17188


received: 1/12/1972

Chile, La Araucania, Region de (developed)
Vogel 8881 / Heines IV // Poncheau GRIS {Vogel-8881 / Heines IV // Poncheau}
synonyms = GRIS {26794; 27273;
other # = CAR 794; 27273; CI 17188; V-336; ; GRIS{CI-16721; CI-17188}
History: DEVELOPED La Araucania, Chile by Rupert, J., International Maize & Wheat Improvement Center. DONATED 12/1972 by Kronstad, W., Oregon State University
Given name + traits Accession # + images 
+ dates
Genetic data OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
CAR 794
Triticum aestivum
habit = Winter
status = Breeding/research material
order = available
GRIS{resistant = Pm}
# CItr 17188


received: 1/12/1972

Chile, La Araucania, Region de (developed)
Vogel 8881 / Heines IV // Poncheau GRIS {Vogel-8881 / Heines IV // Poncheau}
synonyms = GRIS {26794; 27273;
other # = CAR 794; 27273; CI 17188; V-336; ; GRIS{CI-16721; CI-17188}
History: DEVELOPED La Araucania, Chile by Rupert, J., International Maize & Wheat Improvement Center. DONATED 12/1972 by Kronstad, W., Oregon State University

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