
Prince Albert

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Given name + traits Accession # + images 
+ dates
Genetic data OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
Prince Albert
Triticum aestivum
habit = Winter
status = Traditional cultivar/landrace
order = available
# 5858


released: 1851

donor: INRA (FRA) INFO
received: 1984

GRIS{Ne2s; no-Trl; Gli-A1f, Gli-B1h, Gli-D1b, Gli-A2s, Gli-D2q}
LV GRIS {(S)LV ENG; (S)Browick; (S)Oxford Red}
synonyms = Alberts Red Wheat; Anglais; Ble Prince Albert; Ble Rouge Prince Albert; Oxford Red; Principe Alberto; Prinz Albert Weizen; Red Rostock; Rostoff GRIS {ANGLAIS; BLE-ROUGE-PRINCE-ALBERT; OXFORD-RED; RED-ROSTOCK; PRINZ-ALBERT-WEIZEN; ROSTOFF; PRINCIPE-ALBERTO; ALBERTS-RED-WHEAT; PRINCE-DE-JUILBERT; BLE-PRINCE-ALBERT;
other # = FRA051:3077; GRIS{K-21503; AFRC-999; NGB-5141; ERGE-3077,3078}
Evaluation data available.
Given name + traits Accession # + images 
+ dates
Genetic data OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
Prince Albert
Triticum aestivum
habit = Winter
status = Traditional cultivar/landrace
order = available
# 5858


released: 1851

donor: INRA (FRA) INFO
received: 1984

GRIS{Ne2s; no-Trl; Gli-A1f, Gli-B1h, Gli-D1b, Gli-A2s, Gli-D2q}
LV GRIS {(S)LV ENG; (S)Browick; (S)Oxford Red}
synonyms = Alberts Red Wheat; Anglais; Ble Prince Albert; Ble Rouge Prince Albert; Oxford Red; Principe Alberto; Prinz Albert Weizen; Red Rostock; Rostoff GRIS {ANGLAIS; BLE-ROUGE-PRINCE-ALBERT; OXFORD-RED; RED-ROSTOCK; PRINZ-ALBERT-WEIZEN; ROSTOFF; PRINCIPE-ALBERTO; ALBERTS-RED-WHEAT; PRINCE-DE-JUILBERT; BLE-PRINCE-ALBERT;
other # = FRA051:3077; GRIS{K-21503; AFRC-999; NGB-5141; ERGE-3077,3078}
Evaluation data available.

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