
ILE de France

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Given name + traits Accession # + images 
+ dates
Genetic data OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
ILE de France
Triticum aestivum
habit* =
status = Improved cultivar
order = not available
# CWI 14
# GID 94912

received: 1981

United States (donated)
GRIS says France

grp GRIS = 27204
GRIS = 27204
Hatif Inversable / Hatif Inversable GRIS {Hatif Inversable / Hatif Inversable}
synonyms = I-X-I-abbr; Paine GRIS {I.X.I.; ILLE-DE-FRANCE;
other # = CWI 24950; CWI 42909; GRIS{K-34715; PI-125088; PI-174657; AFRC-409}
Given name + traits Accession # + images 
+ dates
Genetic data OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
ILE de France
Triticum aestivum
habit* =
status = Improved cultivar
order = not available
# CWI 14
# GID 94912

received: 1981

United States (donated)
GRIS says France

grp GRIS = 27204
GRIS = 27204
Hatif Inversable / Hatif Inversable GRIS {Hatif Inversable / Hatif Inversable}
synonyms = I-X-I-abbr; Paine GRIS {I.X.I.; ILLE-DE-FRANCE;
other # = CWI 24950; CWI 42909; GRIS{K-34715; PI-125088; PI-174657; AFRC-409}

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