
Novosibirskaja 67

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Given name + traits Accession # + images 
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Genetic data OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
Novosibirskaja 67
Triticum aestivum ssp. lutescens AU
habit = Spring
status = Unkown
order = not available
GRIS{susceptible = Pm; Lr; Lr(biotypes:77/1.2,77-C,62,6-23); Phs; Dr; Fhs
resistant = Lg; Shr; Ut(rasa:48,53); Clb}
# TRI 11396

donor #: 48601

GRIS{r1, r2, r3; Vrn1, Vrn2, Vrn3, Vrn4; Vrn1a
; Ne1, Ne2; Ne1, ne2; D1, D2, D3; Hd; B1, B2; Vrn1, Vrn4; Hg; Bg; rg; Rg1, Rg2, Rg3; brg; Hn; Pc; Pc2
; Pan1
; Pp1
; ppd1; Gli-A1f, Gli-B1e, Gli-D1a, Gli-A2q, Gli-B2o, Gli-D2a; Gli-A2q/Gli-A2m, Gli-B2o/Gli-B2c, Gli-D2a; Glu-A1a/Glu-A1b, Glu-B1b, Glu-D1a; a-Amy-A1a, a-Amy-B1a, a-Amy-D1a, a-Amy-B3a; no-Trl; no-1RS; Rg-D1a
Russian Federation
GRIS {(M)Novosibirskaya-7}
other # = GRIS{K-48601; PI-404242; AFRC-2230; AUS-90808}
Given name + traits Accession # + images 
+ dates
Genetic data OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
Novosibirskaja 67
Triticum aestivum ssp. lutescens AU
habit = Spring
status = Unkown
order = not available
GRIS{susceptible = Pm; Lr; Lr(biotypes:77/1.2,77-C,62,6-23); Phs; Dr; Fhs
resistant = Lg; Shr; Ut(rasa:48,53); Clb}
# TRI 11396

donor #: 48601

GRIS{r1, r2, r3; Vrn1, Vrn2, Vrn3, Vrn4; Vrn1a
; Ne1, Ne2; Ne1, ne2; D1, D2, D3; Hd; B1, B2; Vrn1, Vrn4; Hg; Bg; rg; Rg1, Rg2, Rg3; brg; Hn; Pc; Pc2
; Pan1
; Pp1
; ppd1; Gli-A1f, Gli-B1e, Gli-D1a, Gli-A2q, Gli-B2o, Gli-D2a; Gli-A2q/Gli-A2m, Gli-B2o/Gli-B2c, Gli-D2a; Glu-A1a/Glu-A1b, Glu-B1b, Glu-D1a; a-Amy-A1a, a-Amy-B1a, a-Amy-D1a, a-Amy-B3a; no-Trl; no-1RS; Rg-D1a
Russian Federation
GRIS {(M)Novosibirskaya-7}
other # = GRIS{K-48601; PI-404242; AFRC-2230; AUS-90808}

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