
search results for accessions group "8918-DP08-S" x 3 HELP

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Given name + traits Accession # + images 
+ dates
Genetic data OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
PI 595670 LINK
Triticum aestivum
habit = Spring
status = Mutant/genetic stock
order = available
# 91151

received: 1970

Canada, Saskatchewan
HY 358 / 7915QX76B2 // Norseman GRIS {HY-358 / 7915-QX-76-B-2 // Norseman}
synonyms = 8918-DP08-S INST; CPI 143074 INST GRIS {GS-120;
other # = PI 595670 GEN; GRIS{PI-595670}
description: height=95cm, awn=awned, glume=glaborus, spike density=intermediate
8918-DP08-S LINK
Triticum aestivum
habit = Spring
status = Breeding/research material
order = available
# PI 595670


released: 1997
received: 30/8/1996

Canada, Saskatchewan (developed)
HY 358 / 7915QX76B2 // Norseman
>see GRIS top
synonyms = >see GRIS top
other # = GRIS{PI-595670}
Remark: Near-isogenic common wheat. Spring type adapted to semi-arid regions of northern Great Plains. Semi-dwarf. Photoperiod sensitive. History: DEVELOPED 1997 Saskatchewan, Canada by Clarke, J., Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; DePauw, R., Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Thiessen, L., Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
PI 595670 LINK
Triticum aestivum
habit* =
order = available
# 91613

received: 1970

HY 358 / 7915QX76B2 // Norseman
>see GRIS top
synonyms = CPI 143074 INST; 8918-DP08-S INST
>see GRIS top
other # = PI 595670 GEN; GRIS{PI-595670}
Given name + traits Accession # + images 
+ dates
Genetic data OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
PI 595670 LINK
Triticum aestivum
habit = Spring
status = Mutant/genetic stock
order = available
# 91151

received: 1970

Canada, Saskatchewan
HY 358 / 7915QX76B2 // Norseman GRIS {HY-358 / 7915-QX-76-B-2 // Norseman}
synonyms = 8918-DP08-S INST; CPI 143074 INST GRIS {GS-120;
other # = PI 595670 GEN; GRIS{PI-595670}
description: height=95cm, awn=awned, glume=glaborus, spike density=intermediate
8918-DP08-S LINK
Triticum aestivum
habit = Spring
status = Breeding/research material
order = available
# PI 595670


released: 1997
received: 30/8/1996

Canada, Saskatchewan (developed)
HY 358 / 7915QX76B2 // Norseman
>see GRIS top
synonyms = >see GRIS top
other # = GRIS{PI-595670}
Remark: Near-isogenic common wheat. Spring type adapted to semi-arid regions of northern Great Plains. Semi-dwarf. Photoperiod sensitive. History: DEVELOPED 1997 Saskatchewan, Canada by Clarke, J., Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; DePauw, R., Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Thiessen, L., Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
PI 595670 LINK
Triticum aestivum
habit* =
order = available
# 91613

received: 1970

HY 358 / 7915QX76B2 // Norseman
>see GRIS top
synonyms = CPI 143074 INST; 8918-DP08-S INST
>see GRIS top
other # = PI 595670 GEN; GRIS{PI-595670}

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