
1 search results for "MG 390"

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Given name + traits Accession # + images 
+ dates
OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
Triticum durum LINK
habit* =
status = Traditional cultivar/landrace
order = available
# IG 82340


donor: IGV (ITA) INFO
donor #: MG 390

Ethiopia, Addis Ababa City
site: Addis Ababa market, Addis Ababa City
date: 26th Nov. 1950
altitude: 2493 m.
site info: IGV
map link
collector's ID: 337
Selection from PI 58793 GRIS {(S)PI-58793}
other # = CItr 7852 (USA029); ICDW 6041 (SYR002); GRIS{CI-7845,7847,7849,7852,7853,7855}
Given name + traits Accession # + images 
+ dates
OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
Triticum durum LINK
habit* =
status = Traditional cultivar/landrace
order = available
# IG 82340


donor: IGV (ITA) INFO
donor #: MG 390

Ethiopia, Addis Ababa City
site: Addis Ababa market, Addis Ababa City
date: 26th Nov. 1950
altitude: 2493 m.
site info: IGV
map link
collector's ID: 337
Selection from PI 58793 GRIS {(S)PI-58793}
other # = CItr 7852 (USA029); ICDW 6041 (SYR002); GRIS{CI-7845,7847,7849,7852,7853,7855}

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