
1 search results for "VIR 12385"

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Given name + traits Accession # + images 
+ dates
OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
Triticum aestivum LINK
status = Traditional cultivar/landrace
order = available
# IG 138282


donor: VIR (RUS) INFO
donor #: VIR 12385

Afghanistan, Herat Province
site: 32 km to E of town of Herat, mill, Herat Province
date: 8th Dec. 1924
altitude: 1034 m.
site info: VIR
map link
GRP{description: height=very tall, awn=awned, glume=glaborous, glume colour=tan, spike density=lax}
Given name + traits Accession # + images 
+ dates
OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
Triticum aestivum LINK
status = Traditional cultivar/landrace
order = available
# IG 138282


donor: VIR (RUS) INFO
donor #: VIR 12385

Afghanistan, Herat Province
site: 32 km to E of town of Herat, mill, Herat Province
date: 8th Dec. 1924
altitude: 1034 m.
site info: VIR
map link
GRP{description: height=very tall, awn=awned, glume=glaborous, glume colour=tan, spike density=lax}

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