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Given name + traits Accession # + images 
+ dates
Genetic data USDA Bunt trials OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
Triticum aestivum
habit = Spring
status = Improved cultivar
order = available
GRIS{susceptible = Sr
resistant = Lg,Fs}
# PI 107608


released: 1917
received: 1/12/1934

bunt infection 80.00%
from 1 trial
Multiple III=80%
Australia, South Australia (developed)
GRIS {Firbank / White Lammas}
other # = Firwhill; ; GRIS{K-55542; PI-107608; AUS-2414}
History: DEVELOPED 1917 South Australia, Australia by Coleman, F.; Farrer, W., Department of Agriculture. DONATED 12/14/1934 by Wenholz, H., Department of Agriculture
Given name + traits Accession # + images 
+ dates
Genetic data USDA Bunt trials OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
Triticum aestivum
habit = Spring
status = Improved cultivar
order = available
GRIS{susceptible = Sr
resistant = Lg,Fs}
# PI 107608


released: 1917
received: 1/12/1934

bunt infection 80.00%
from 1 trial
Multiple III=80%
Australia, South Australia (developed)
GRIS {Firbank / White Lammas}
other # = Firwhill; ; GRIS{K-55542; PI-107608; AUS-2414}
History: DEVELOPED 1917 South Australia, Australia by Coleman, F.; Farrer, W., Department of Agriculture. DONATED 12/14/1934 by Wenholz, H., Department of Agriculture

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