
Braunschweig 1300

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Given name + traits Accession # + images 
+ dates
OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
Braunschweig 1300
Triticum spelta
habit = Facultative
status = Breeding/research material
order = available
# PI 355618


received: 19/8/1970

Germany, Lower Saxony (donated)
collector's ID: 69Z5.97
other # = Braunschweig 1300; 69Z5.97
History: DONATED Lower Saxony, Germany by Institut fur Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzuchtung. DONATED 08/19/1970 by Popow, G., Swiss Federal Research Sta. for Agronomy
Given name + traits Accession # + images 
+ dates
OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
Braunschweig 1300
Triticum spelta
habit = Facultative
status = Breeding/research material
order = available
# PI 355618


received: 19/8/1970

Germany, Lower Saxony (donated)
collector's ID: 69Z5.97
other # = Braunschweig 1300; 69Z5.97
History: DONATED Lower Saxony, Germany by Institut fur Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzuchtung. DONATED 08/19/1970 by Popow, G., Swiss Federal Research Sta. for Agronomy

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