town of Dushambe (Stalinabad) MAP LINK
region: Districts of Republican Subordination
country: Tajikistan
Lat: N 38° 34' 0.01" Long: E 68° 46' 0.01"
Environment > Altitude: 798.2m
FAO Soil Classification: Chromic Cambisols
Climate 76500

Annual rainfall average: 563 mm
Maximum temp. average monthly: 20.24°
Average temperature, annual: 13.75°
Minimum temp. average monthly: 7.25°

Collector:VIR (RUS) INFO
Site collection ID:TJK32::52
collection date: 11th September 1932
accession number "IG 135162" LINK
Triticum aestivum
held genebank; ICARDA (LBN) INFO
accession number "k29698" LINK
Triticum aestivum
received: 1932
notes: VIR expedition > Central Asia - V. K. Kobelev 1932 held by collector VIR (RUS) INFO