region around town of Elabuga MAP LINK
region: Tatarstan, Republic of
country: Russian Federation
Lat: N 55° 45' 0" Long: E 52° 4' 0.01"
Environment > Altitude: 53.5m
FAO Soil Classification: Eutric Fluvisols
Climate 88806

Annual rainfall average: 538 mm
Maximum temp. average monthly: 7.94°
Average temperature, annual: 3.51°
Minimum temp. average monthly: -0.93°

Collector:VIR (RUS) INFO
Site collection ID:RUS-S-469
accession number "k30813" LINK
Triticum aestivum
notes: T.Kazan', Breeding Centre held by collector VIR (RUS) INFO
accession number "k30817" LINK
Triticum aestivum
notes: T.Kazan', Breeding Centre held by collector VIR (RUS) INFO