area around village of Khondelen, river MAP LINK
region: Tuva, Republic of
country: Russian Federation
Lat: N 51° 15' 0" Long: E 90° 16' 59.99"
Environment > Altitude: 1207.8m
FAO Soil Classification: Lithosols
Climate 58110

Annual rainfall average: 303 mm
Maximum temp. average monthly: 3.72°
Average temperature, annual: -2.1°
Minimum temp. average monthly: -7.92°

Collector:VIR (RUS) INFO
Site collection ID:RUS34::705
collection date: 1934
accession number "k30962" LINK
Triticum aestivum
received: 1934
notes: VIR expedition > Siberia - Frenkel 1934 held by collector VIR (RUS) INFO
accession number "k30969" LINK
Triticum aestivum ssp. lutescens AU
received: 1934
notes: VIR expedition > Siberia - Frenkel 1934 held by collector VIR (RUS) INFO
accession number "k31165" LINK
Triticum aestivum ssp. milturum AU
received: 1934
notes: VIR expedition > Siberia - Frenkel 1934 held by collector VIR (RUS) INFO