region: Kurdistan Province
country: Iran
Lat: N 35° 52' 0" Long: E 47° 49' 0"
Environment > Altitude: 1764.7m
Climate 92770

Annual rainfall average: 366 mm
Maximum temp. average monthly: 18.08°
Average temperature, annual: 10.45°
Minimum temp. average monthly: 2.81°

collection date: 1935
site notes: Collected near Kordestan, Iran. Part of or from collection mostly dating from 1935 or earlier donated to USDA in 1997 by Qualset, C., University of California. Site data is often somewhat vague and unreliable.
accession number "CWI 74493" LINK
name: "IWA8609084"
Triticum turanicum
received: 1998
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74494" LINK
name: "IWA8609085"
Triticum turanicum
received: 1998
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "PI 621613" LINK
name: "IWA8609057"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621614" LINK
name: "IWA8609058"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621615" LINK
name: "IWA8609065"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621616" LINK
name: "IWA8609079"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621617" LINK
name: "IWA8609080"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621618" LINK
name: "IWA8609081"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621619" LINK
name: "IWA8609087"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621620" LINK
name: "IWA8609089"
Triticum durum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624869" LINK
name: "IWA8609047"
Triticum durum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624870" LINK
name: "IWA8609048"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624871" LINK
name: "IWA8609049"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624872" LINK
name: "IWA8609050"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624873" LINK
name: "IWA8609051"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624874" LINK
name: "IWA8609053"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624875" LINK
name: "IWA8609055"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624876" LINK
name: "IWA8609056"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624877" LINK
name: "IWA8609059"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624878" LINK
name: "IWA8609060"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624879" LINK
name: "IWA8609061"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624880" LINK
name: "IWA8609062"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624881" LINK
name: "IWA8609063"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624882" LINK
name: "IWA8609064"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624883" LINK
name: "IWA8609067"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624884" LINK
name: "IWA8609068"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624885" LINK
name: "IWA8609069"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624886" LINK
name: "IWA8609070"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624887" LINK
name: "IWA8609071"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624888" LINK
name: "IWA8609072"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624889" LINK
name: "IWA8609073"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624890" LINK
name: "IWA8609076"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624891" LINK
name: "IWA8609077"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624892" LINK
name: "IWA8609084"
Triticum turanicum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624893" LINK
name: "IWA8609085"
Triticum turanicum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624894" LINK
name: "IWA8609086"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624895" LINK
name: "IWA8609088"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624896" LINK
name: "IWA8609090"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624897" LINK
name: "IWA8609091"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624898" LINK
name: "IWA8609092"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624899" LINK
name: "IWA8609093"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624900" LINK
name: "IWA8609094"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624901" LINK
name: "IWA8609095"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 626707" LINK
name: "IWA8600092"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627279" LINK
name: "IWA8602057"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627574" LINK
name: "IWA8602812"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "CWI 74500//GID 2437206" LINK
name: "IWA8609092"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74501//GID 2437207" LINK
name: "IWA8609095"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74499//GID 2437205" LINK
name: "IWA8609091"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74498//GID 2437204" LINK
name: "IWA8609090"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74496//GID 2437203" LINK
name: "IWA8609088"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74495//GID 2437202" LINK
name: "IWA8609086"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71853//GID 374419" LINK
name: "IWA8609094"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71852//GID 374418" LINK
name: "IWA8609087"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71850//GID 374416" LINK
name: "IWA8609069"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71848//GID 374414" LINK
name: "IWA8609063"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71849//GID 374415" LINK
name: "IWA8609065"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71847//GID 374413" LINK
name: "IWA8609050"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71259//GID 373830" LINK
name: "IWA8602812"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71115//GID 373687" LINK
name: "IWA8602057"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57777//GID 190778" LINK
name: "IWA8609093"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57775//GID 190776" LINK
name: "IWA8609080"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57776//GID 190777" LINK
name: "IWA8609081"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57774//GID 190775" LINK
name: "IWA8609079"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57772//GID 190773" LINK
name: "IWA8609073"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57773//GID 190774" LINK
name: "IWA 8609076"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57771//GID 190772" LINK
name: "IWA8609072"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57770//GID 190771" LINK
name: "IWA8609071"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57769//GID 190770" LINK
name: "IWA8609070"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57768//GID 190769" LINK
name: "IWA8609068"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57767//GID 190768" LINK
name: "IWA8609067"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57765//GID 190766" LINK
name: "IWA8609062"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57766//GID 190767" LINK
name: "IWA8609064"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57764//GID 190765" LINK
name: "IWA8609061"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57763//GID 190764" LINK
name: "IWA8609060"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57761//GID 190762" LINK
name: "IWA8609058"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57762//GID 190763" LINK
name: "IWA8609059"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57760//GID 190761" LINK
name: "IWA8609057"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57758//GID 190759" LINK
name: "IWA8609055"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57759//GID 190760" LINK
name: "IWA8609056"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57757//GID 190758" LINK
name: "IWA8609053"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57755//GID 190756" LINK
name: "IWA8609049"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57756//GID 190757" LINK
name: "IWA8609051"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57754//GID 190755" LINK
name: "IWA8609048"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54504//GID 187508" LINK
name: "IWA8600092"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Kordestan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74492//GID 147484" LINK
name: "IWA8609077"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74497//GID 147487" LINK
name: "IWA8609089"
Triticum durum
habit: Winter
received: 1992
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "44363" LINK
name: "PI 621618"
Triticum aestivum
received: 1970
held genebank; AGG (AUS) INFO