region: Tehran Province
country: Iran
Lat: N 35° 40' 0" Long: E 51° 25' 60"
Environment > Altitude: 1132.9m
Climate 89265

Annual rainfall average: 216 mm
Maximum temp. average monthly: 19.13°
Average temperature, annual: 13.64°
Minimum temp. average monthly: 8.15°

collection date: 1935
site notes: Collected near Tehran, Iran. Part of or from collection mostly dating from 1935 or earlier donated to USDA in 1997 by Qualset, C., University of California. Site data is often somewhat vague and unreliable.
accession number "CWI 74532" LINK
name: "IWA 8609175"
Triticum aestivum
received: 1998
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74549" LINK
name: "IWA 8609215"
Triticum aestivum
received: 1998
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74550" LINK
name: "IWA 8609217"
Triticum aestivum
received: 1998
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74551" LINK
name: "IWA 8609219"
Triticum aestivum
received: 1998
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74554" LINK
name: "IWA 8609223"
Triticum aestivum
received: 1998
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74580" LINK
name: "IWA 8609283"
Triticum aestivum
received: 1998
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "PI 621649" LINK
name: "IWA8609173"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621650" LINK
name: "IWA8609174"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621651" LINK
name: "IWA8609176"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621652" LINK
name: "IWA8609178"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621653" LINK
name: "IWA8609180"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621654" LINK
name: "IWA8609181"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621655" LINK
name: "IWA8609182"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621656" LINK
name: "IWA8609183"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621657" LINK
name: "IWA8609184"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621658" LINK
name: "IWA8609185"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621659" LINK
name: "IWA8609187"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621660" LINK
name: "IWA8609189"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621661" LINK
name: "IWA8609190"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621662" LINK
name: "IWA8609191"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621663" LINK
name: "IWA8609194"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621664" LINK
name: "IWA8609198"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621665" LINK
name: "IWA8609201"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621666" LINK
name: "IWA8609202"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621667" LINK
name: "IWA8609203"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621668" LINK
name: "IWA8609212"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621669" LINK
name: "IWA8609214"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621670" LINK
name: "IWA8609215"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621671" LINK
name: "IWA8609216"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621672" LINK
name: "IWA8609217"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621673" LINK
name: "IWA8609221"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621674" LINK
name: "IWA8609222"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621675" LINK
name: "IWA8609228"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621676" LINK
name: "IWA8609232"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621677" LINK
name: "IWA8609235"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621678" LINK
name: "IWA8609238"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621679" LINK
name: "IWA8609240"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621680" LINK
name: "IWA8609243"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621681" LINK
name: "IWA8609246"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621682" LINK
name: "IWA8609247"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621683" LINK
name: "IWA8609248"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621684" LINK
name: "IWA8609254"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621685" LINK
name: "IWA8609255"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621686" LINK
name: "IWA8609258"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621687" LINK
name: "IWA8609259"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621688" LINK
name: "IWA8609260"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621689" LINK
name: "IWA8609263"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621690" LINK
name: "IWA8609266"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621691" LINK
name: "IWA8602968"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621692" LINK
name: "IWA8609270"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621693" LINK
name: "IWA8609274"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621694" LINK
name: "IWA8609280"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621695" LINK
name: "IWA8609281"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621696" LINK
name: "IWA8609282"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621697" LINK
name: "IWA8609283"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621698" LINK
name: "IWA8609288"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621699" LINK
name: "IWA8609289"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621700" LINK
name: "IWA8609295"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621701" LINK
name: "IWA8609304"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621702" LINK
name: "IWA8609310"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621703" LINK
name: "IWA8609311"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624932" LINK
name: "IWA8609170"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624933" LINK
name: "IWA8609172"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624934" LINK
name: "IWA8609175"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624935" LINK
name: "IWA8609186"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624936" LINK
name: "IWA8609188"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624937" LINK
name: "IWA8609192"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624938" LINK
name: "IWA8609195"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624939" LINK
name: "IWA8609197"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624940" LINK
name: "IWA8609199"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624941" LINK
name: "IWA8609200"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624942" LINK
name: "IWA8609204"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624943" LINK
name: "IWA8609205"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624944" LINK
name: "IWA8609206"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624945" LINK
name: "IWA8609207"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624946" LINK
name: "IWA8609211"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624947" LINK
name: "IWA8609213"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624948" LINK
name: "IWA8609219"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624949" LINK
name: "IWA8609220"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624950" LINK
name: "IWA8609223"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624951" LINK
name: "IWA8609224"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624952" LINK
name: "IWA8609225"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624953" LINK
name: "IWA8609226"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624954" LINK
name: "IWA8609227"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624955" LINK
name: "IWA8609229"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624956" LINK
name: "IWA8609233"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624957" LINK
name: "IWA8609236"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624958" LINK
name: "IWA8609237"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624959" LINK
name: "IWA8609244"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624960" LINK
name: "IWA8609245"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624961" LINK
name: "IWA8609249"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624962" LINK
name: "IWA8609250"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624963" LINK
name: "IWA8609251"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624964" LINK
name: "IWA8609261"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624965" LINK
name: "IWA8609262"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624966" LINK
name: "IWA8609267"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624967" LINK
name: "IWA8609272"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624968" LINK
name: "IWA8609276"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624969" LINK
name: "IWA8609277"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624970" LINK
name: "IWA8609284"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624971" LINK
name: "IWA8609285"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624972" LINK
name: "IWA8609286"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624973" LINK
name: "IWA8609290"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624974" LINK
name: "IWA8609292"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624975" LINK
name: "IWA8609294"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624976" LINK
name: "IWA8609296"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 624977" LINK
name: "IWA8609297"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "CWI 74589//GID 2437290" LINK
name: "IWA8609297"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74587//GID 2437288" LINK
name: "IWA8609295"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74588//GID 2437289" LINK
name: "IWA8609296"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74586//GID 2437287" LINK
name: "IWA8609294"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74584//GID 2437285" LINK
name: "IWA8609290"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74585//GID 2437286" LINK
name: "IWA8609292"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74583//GID 2437284" LINK
name: "IWA8609289"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74582//GID 2437283" LINK
name: "IWA8609288"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74581//GID 2437282" LINK
name: "IWA8609286"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74579//GID 2437280" LINK
name: "IWA8609276"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74577//GID 2437278" LINK
name: "IWA8609272"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74578//GID 2437279" LINK
name: "IWA8609274"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74572//GID 2437274" LINK
name: "IWA8609263"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74573//GID 2437275" LINK
name: "IWA8609266"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74570//GID 2437273" LINK
name: "IWA8609261"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74569//GID 2437272" LINK
name: "IWA8609260"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74567//GID 2437271" LINK
name: "IWA8609258"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74566//GID 2437270" LINK
name: "IWA8609255"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74564//GID 2437268" LINK
name: "IWA8609251"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74565//GID 2437269" LINK
name: "IWA8609254"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74563//GID 2437267" LINK
name: "IWA8609250"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74562//GID 2437266" LINK
name: "IWA8609249"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74561//GID 2437265" LINK
name: "IWA8609248"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74560//GID 2437264" LINK
name: "IWA8609247"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74559//GID 2437263" LINK
name: "IWA8609245"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74558//GID 2437262" LINK
name: "IWA8609243"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74557//GID 2437261" LINK
name: "IWA8609236"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74555//GID 2437259" LINK
name: "IWA8609224"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74553//GID 2437257" LINK
name: "IWA8609222"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74547//GID 2437252" LINK
name: "IWA8609213"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74548//GID 2437253" LINK
name: "IWA8609214"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74546//GID 2437251" LINK
name: "IWA8609211"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74545//GID 2437250" LINK
name: "IWA8609207"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74543//GID 2437248" LINK
name: "IWA8609204"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74544//GID 2437249" LINK
name: "IWA8609206"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74542//GID 2437247" LINK
name: "IWA8609202"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74541//GID 2437246" LINK
name: "IWA8609201"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74540//GID 2437245" LINK
name: "IWA8609200"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74539//GID 2437244" LINK
name: "IWA8609199"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74538//GID 2437243" LINK
name: "IWA8609198"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74537//GID 2437242" LINK
name: "IWA8609197"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74535//GID 2437240" LINK
name: "IWA8609192"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74536//GID 2437241" LINK
name: "IWA8609194"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74534//GID 2437239" LINK
name: "IWA8609190"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74530//GID 2437236" LINK
name: "IWA8609172"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74531//GID 2437237" LINK
name: "IWA8609174"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71906//GID 374464" LINK
name: "IWA8609311"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71905//GID 374463" LINK
name: "IWA8609310"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71904//GID 374462" LINK
name: "IWA8609304"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71901//GID 374460" LINK
name: "IWA8609282"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71902//GID 374461" LINK
name: "IWA8609284"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71900//GID 374459" LINK
name: "IWA8609281"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71899//GID 374458" LINK
name: "IWA8609280"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71898//GID 374457" LINK
name: "IWA8609267"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71896//GID 374455" LINK
name: "IWA8609244"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71897//GID 374456" LINK
name: "IWA8609246"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71895//GID 374454" LINK
name: "IWA8609240"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71893//GID 374452" LINK
name: "IWA8609235"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71894//GID 374453" LINK
name: "IWA8609238"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71892//GID 374451" LINK
name: "IWA8609233"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71890//GID 374450" LINK
name: "IWA8609221"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71889//GID 374449" LINK
name: "IWA8609216"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71887//GID 374447" LINK
name: "IWA8609205"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71888//GID 374448" LINK
name: "IWA8609212"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71886//GID 374446" LINK
name: "IWA8609203"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71885//GID 374445" LINK
name: "IWA8609195"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71882//GID 374443" LINK
name: "IWA8609173"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71884//GID 374444" LINK
name: "IWA8609191"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71881//GID 374442" LINK
name: "IWA8609170"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57780//GID 190781" LINK
name: "IWA8609237"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Tehran, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71891//GID 147495" LINK
name: "IWA8609225"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71903//GID 147499" LINK
name: "IWA8609285"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74533//GID 147493" LINK
name: "IWA8609178"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74552//GID 147494" LINK
name: "IWA8609220"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1998
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74568//GID 147496" LINK
name: "IWA8609259"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74571//GID 147497" LINK
name: "IWA8609262"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1998
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 74576//GID 147498" LINK
name: "IWA8609270"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1998
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 93624//GID 7212667" LINK
name: "IWA8609181"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 2013
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 93625//GID 7212668" LINK
name: "IWA8609182"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 2013
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 93626//GID 7212669" LINK
name: "IWA8609184"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 2013
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 93627//GID 7212670" LINK
name: "IWA8609189"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 2013
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 93628//GID 7212671" LINK
name: "IWA8609232"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 2013
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 93630//GID 7212673" LINK
name: "IWA8609226"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 2013
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO