region: Markazi Province
country: Iran
Lat: N 34° 4' 60" Long: E 49° 42' 0"
Environment > Altitude: 1742.7m
Climate 90721

Annual rainfall average: 244 mm
Maximum temp. average monthly: 17.5°
Average temperature, annual: 10.55°
Minimum temp. average monthly: 3.61°

collection date: 1935
site notes: Collected near Markazi, Iran. Part of or from collection mostly dating from 1935 or earlier donated to USDA in 1997 by Qualset, C., University of California. Site data is often somewhat vague and unreliable.
accession number "CWI 72248" LINK
name: "IWA8609932"
Triticum turanicum
received: 1998
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "37234" LINK
name: "PI 622005"
Triticum durum
received: 2009
notes: description: height=tallcm, awn=awned, glume=pubecent, glume colour=white/golden, spike density=intermediate, grain colour=elongated_mottled brown and tan held genebank; AGG (AUS) INFO
accession number "PI 621855" LINK
name: "IWA8609786"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621856" LINK
name: "IWA8609791"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621857" LINK
name: "IWA8609793"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621858" LINK
name: "IWA8609798"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621859" LINK
name: "IWA8609799"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621860" LINK
name: "IWA8609805"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621861" LINK
name: "IWA8609806"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621862" LINK
name: "IWA8609808"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621863" LINK
name: "IWA8609817"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621864" LINK
name: "IWA8609819"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621865" LINK
name: "IWA8609834"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621866" LINK
name: "IWA8609848"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621867" LINK
name: "IWA8609867"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621868" LINK
name: "IWA8609879"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621869" LINK
name: "IWA8609894"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621870" LINK
name: "IWA8609895"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621871" LINK
name: "IWA8609902"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621872" LINK
name: "IWA8609906"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621873" LINK
name: "IWA8609909"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621874" LINK
name: "IWA8609910"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621875" LINK
name: "IWA8609914"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621876" LINK
name: "IWA8609915"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621877" LINK
name: "IWA8609917"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621878" LINK
name: "IWA8609918"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621879" LINK
name: "IWA8609920"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621880" LINK
name: "IWA8609921"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621881" LINK
name: "IWA8609922"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621882" LINK
name: "IWA8609923"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621883" LINK
name: "IWA8609924"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621884" LINK
name: "IWA8609925"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621885" LINK
name: "IWA8609927"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621886" LINK
name: "IWA8609828"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621887" LINK
name: "IWA8609929"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621888" LINK
name: "IWA8609930"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621889" LINK
name: "IWA8609931"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621890" LINK
name: "IWA8609934"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621891" LINK
name: "IWA8609935"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621892" LINK
name: "IWA8609938"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621893" LINK
name: "IWA8609939"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621894" LINK
name: "IWA8609940"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621895" LINK
name: "IWA8609941"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621896" LINK
name: "IWA8609942"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621897" LINK
name: "IWA8609943"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621898" LINK
name: "IWA8609944"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621899" LINK
name: "IWA8609947"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621900" LINK
name: "IWA8609948"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621901" LINK
name: "IWA8609952"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621902" LINK
name: "IWA8609957"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621903" LINK
name: "IWA8609959"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621904" LINK
name: "IWA8609960"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621905" LINK
name: "IWA8609961"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621906" LINK
name: "IWA8609962"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621907" LINK
name: "IWA8609967"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621908" LINK
name: "IWA8609968"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621909" LINK
name: "IWA8609969"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621910" LINK
name: "IWA8609970"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621911" LINK
name: "IWA8609971"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621912" LINK
name: "IWA8609972"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621913" LINK
name: "IWA8609974"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621914" LINK
name: "IWA8609975"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621915" LINK
name: "IWA8609976"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621916" LINK
name: "IWA8609979"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621917" LINK
name: "IWA8609980"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621918" LINK
name: "IWA8609982"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621919" LINK
name: "IWA8609987"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621920" LINK
name: "IWA8609988"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621921" LINK
name: "IWA8609989"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621922" LINK
name: "IWA8609990"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621923" LINK
name: "IWA8609992"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621924" LINK
name: "IWA8609995"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621925" LINK
name: "IWA8609996"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621926" LINK
name: "IWA8610001"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621927" LINK
name: "IWA8610004"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621928" LINK
name: "IWA8610005"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621929" LINK
name: "IWA8610021"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621930" LINK
name: "IWA8610024"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621931" LINK
name: "IWA8610025"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621932" LINK
name: "IWA8610026"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621933" LINK
name: "IWA8610027"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621934" LINK
name: "IWA8610029"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621935" LINK
name: "IWA8610030"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621936" LINK
name: "IWA8610031"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621937" LINK
name: "IWA8610032"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621938" LINK
name: "IWA8610033"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621939" LINK
name: "IWA8610035"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621940" LINK
name: "IWA8610036"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621941" LINK
name: "IWA8610039"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621942" LINK
name: "IWA8610043"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621943" LINK
name: "IWA8610061"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621944" LINK
name: "IWA8610063"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621945" LINK
name: "IWA8610064"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621946" LINK
name: "IWA8610066"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621947" LINK
name: "IWA8610069"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621948" LINK
name: "IWA8610070"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621949" LINK
name: "IWA8610072"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621950" LINK
name: "IWA8610075"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621951" LINK
name: "IWA8610076"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621952" LINK
name: "IWA8610080"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621953" LINK
name: "IWA8610082"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621954" LINK
name: "IWA8610083"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621955" LINK
name: "IWA8610085"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621956" LINK
name: "IWA8610087"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621957" LINK
name: "IWA8610088"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621958" LINK
name: "IWA8610090"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621959" LINK
name: "IWA8610093"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621960" LINK
name: "IWA8610104"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621961" LINK
name: "IWA8610108"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621962" LINK
name: "IWA8610109"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621963" LINK
name: "IWA8610114"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621964" LINK
name: "IWA8610119"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621965" LINK
name: "IWA8610120"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621966" LINK
name: "IWA8610121"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621967" LINK
name: "IWA8610122"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621968" LINK
name: "IWA8610123"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621969" LINK
name: "IWA8610125"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621970" LINK
name: "IWA8610126"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621971" LINK
name: "IWA8610127"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621972" LINK
name: "IWA8610128"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621973" LINK
name: "IWA8610129"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621974" LINK
name: "IWA8610130"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621975" LINK
name: "IWA8610131"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621976" LINK
name: "IWA8610134"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621977" LINK
name: "IWA8610142"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621978" LINK
name: "IWA8610143"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621979" LINK
name: "IWA8610162"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621980" LINK
name: "IWA8610164"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621981" LINK
name: "IWA8610166"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621982" LINK
name: "IWA8610167"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621983" LINK
name: "IWA8610168"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621984" LINK
name: "IWA8610178"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621985" LINK
name: "IWA8610180"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621986" LINK
name: "IWA8610190"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621987" LINK
name: "IWA8610198"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621988" LINK
name: "IWA8610210"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621989" LINK
name: "IWA8610211"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621990" LINK
name: "IWA8610212"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621991" LINK
name: "IWA8610213"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621992" LINK
name: "IWA8610214"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621993" LINK
name: "IWA8610217"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621994" LINK
name: "IWA8610226"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621995" LINK
name: "IWA8610227"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621996" LINK
name: "IWA8610237"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621997" LINK
name: "IWA8610238"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621998" LINK
name: "IWA8610252"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 621999" LINK
name: "IWA8610258"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622000" LINK
name: "IWA8610260"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622001" LINK
name: "IWA8610261"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622002" LINK
name: "IWA8610263"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622003" LINK
name: "IWA8610265"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622004" LINK
name: "IWA8610266"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622005" LINK
name: "IWA8610270"
Triticum durum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622006" LINK
name: "IWA8610272"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622007" LINK
name: "IWA8610274"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622008" LINK
name: "IWA8610290"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622009" LINK
name: "IWA8610291"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622010" LINK
name: "IWA8610297"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622011" LINK
name: "IWA8610301"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622012" LINK
name: "IWA8610307"
Triticum durum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622013" LINK
name: "IWA8610308"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622014" LINK
name: "IWA8610309"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622015" LINK
name: "IWA8610310"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622016" LINK
name: "IWA8610311"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622017" LINK
name: "IWA8610312"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622018" LINK
name: "IWA8610313"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622019" LINK
name: "IWA8610346"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622020" LINK
name: "IWA8610354"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 622021" LINK
name: "IWA8610355"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 623089" LINK
name: "IWA8600044"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 623173" LINK
name: "IWA8600713"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 623177" LINK
name: "IWA8600735"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 623273" LINK
name: "IWA8602269"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 623422" LINK
name: "IWA8604118"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 623434" LINK
name: "IWA8604452"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 623436" LINK
name: "IWA8604482"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625133" LINK
name: "IWA8609740"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625134" LINK
name: "IWA8609745"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625135" LINK
name: "IWA8609746"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625136" LINK
name: "IWA8609747"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625137" LINK
name: "IWA8609748"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625138" LINK
name: "IWA8609749"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625139" LINK
name: "IWA8609750"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625140" LINK
name: "IWA8609753"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625141" LINK
name: "IWA8609754"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625142" LINK
name: "IWA8609755"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625143" LINK
name: "IWA8609757"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625144" LINK
name: "IWA8609759"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625145" LINK
name: "IWA8609761"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625146" LINK
name: "IWA8609763"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625147" LINK
name: "IWA8609770"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625148" LINK
name: "IWA8609842"
Triticum spp.
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625149" LINK
name: "IWA8609773"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625150" LINK
name: "IWA8609810"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625151" LINK
name: "IWA8609812"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625152" LINK
name: "IWA8609813"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625153" LINK
name: "IWA8609818"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625154" LINK
name: "IWA8609822"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625155" LINK
name: "IWA8609841"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625156" LINK
name: "IWA8609858"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625157" LINK
name: "IWA8609862"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625158" LINK
name: "IWA8609866"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625159" LINK
name: "IWA8609871"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625160" LINK
name: "IWA8609878"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625161" LINK
name: "IWA8609892"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625162" LINK
name: "IWA8609913"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625163" LINK
name: "IWA8609916"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625164" LINK
name: "IWA8609932"
Triticum turanicum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625165" LINK
name: "IWA8609945"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625166" LINK
name: "IWA8609946"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625167" LINK
name: "IWA8609949"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625168" LINK
name: "IWA8609964"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625169" LINK
name: "IWA8609973"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625170" LINK
name: "IWA8609977"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625171" LINK
name: "IWA8609999"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625172" LINK
name: "IWA8610020"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625173" LINK
name: "IWA8610023"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625174" LINK
name: "IWA8610058"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625175" LINK
name: "IWA8610103"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625176" LINK
name: "IWA8610124"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625177" LINK
name: "IWA8610135"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625178" LINK
name: "IWA8610138"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625179" LINK
name: "IWA8610140"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625180" LINK
name: "IWA8610159"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625181" LINK
name: "IWA8610185"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter with some Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625182" LINK
name: "IWA8610187"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625183" LINK
name: "IWA8610220"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625184" LINK
name: "IWA8610254"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625185" LINK
name: "IWA8610269"
Triticum durum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625186" LINK
name: "IWA8610271"
Triticum durum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625187" LINK
name: "IWA8610296"
Triticum turanicum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625188" LINK
name: "IWA8610299"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625189" LINK
name: "IWA8610303"
Triticum turanicum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625190" LINK
name: "IWA8610305"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 625191" LINK
name: "IWA8610306"
Triticum durum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 626664" LINK
name: "IWA8600006"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 626665" LINK
name: "IWA8600007"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 626666" LINK
name: "IWA8600008"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 626670" LINK
name: "IWA8600013"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627001" LINK
name: "IWA8600550"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627021" LINK
name: "IWA8600585"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627060" LINK
name: "IWA8600650"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627061" LINK
name: "IWA8600652"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627064" LINK
name: "IWA8600658"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627073" LINK
name: "IWA8600670"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627096" LINK
name: "IWA8600706"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627101" LINK
name: "IWA8600712"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627221" LINK
name: "IWA8600943"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627222" LINK
name: "IWA8600944"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627260" LINK
name: "IWA8602010"
Triticum durum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627283" LINK
name: "IWA8602061"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627305" LINK
name: "IWA8602109"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627359" LINK
name: "IWA8602213"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627361" LINK
name: "IWA8602215"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627445" LINK
name: "IWA8602404"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627879" LINK
name: "IWA8604091"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627884" LINK
name: "IWA8604103"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627885" LINK
name: "IWA8604104"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627886" LINK
name: "IWA8604105"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627888" LINK
name: "IWA8604107"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627889" LINK
name: "IWA8604108"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627890" LINK
name: "IWA8604110"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627896" LINK
name: "IWA8604124"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627897" LINK
name: "IWA8604129"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627898" LINK
name: "IWA8604130"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627899" LINK
name: "IWA8604133"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627900" LINK
name: "IWA8604134"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627903" LINK
name: "IWA8604139"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627904" LINK
name: "IWA8604141"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627907" LINK
name: "IWA8604145"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627908" LINK
name: "IWA8604146"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627913" LINK
name: "IWA8604156"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627914" LINK
name: "IWA8604157"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627915" LINK
name: "IWA8604158"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627916" LINK
name: "IWA8604159"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627923" LINK
name: "IWA8604169"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627925" LINK
name: "IWA8604171"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627928" LINK
name: "IWA8604181"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627932" LINK
name: "IWA8604196"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 628010" LINK
name: "IWA8604449"
Triticum durum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 628011" LINK
name: "IWA8604451"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 628014" LINK
name: "IWA8604463"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 628020" LINK
name: "IWA8604480"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 628077" LINK
name: "IWA8604648"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 628085" LINK
name: "IWA8604663"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 628086" LINK
name: "IWA8604664"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 628087" LINK
name: "IWA8604665"
Triticum durum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 628088" LINK
name: "IWA8604666"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 628089" LINK
name: "IWA8604667"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 628090" LINK
name: "IWA8604668"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 628205" LINK
name: "IWA8604877"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "CWI 72357//GID 374897" LINK
name: "IWA8610313"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72356//GID 374896" LINK
name: "IWA8610312"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72354//GID 374894" LINK
name: "IWA8610299"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72351//GID 374893" LINK
name: "IWA8610274"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72346//GID 374889" LINK
name: "IWA8610265"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72347//GID 374890" LINK
name: "IWA8610266"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72345//GID 374888" LINK
name: "IWA8610263"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72344//GID 374887" LINK
name: "IWA8610260"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72343//GID 374886" LINK
name: "IWA8610258"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72341//GID 374884" LINK
name: "IWA8610217"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72342//GID 374885" LINK
name: "IWA8610237"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72340//GID 374883" LINK
name: "IWA8610214"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72338//GID 374881" LINK
name: "IWA8610212"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72339//GID 374882" LINK
name: "IWA8610213"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72337//GID 374880" LINK
name: "IWA8610211"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72336//GID 374879" LINK
name: "IWA8610210"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72335//GID 374878" LINK
name: "IWA8610198"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72333//GID 374876" LINK
name: "IWA8610185"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter with some Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72334//GID 374877" LINK
name: "IWA8610190"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72332//GID 374875" LINK
name: "IWA8610180"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72331//GID 374874" LINK
name: "IWA8610178"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72330//GID 374873" LINK
name: "IWA8610164"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72329//GID 374872" LINK
name: "IWA8610143"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72328//GID 374871" LINK
name: "IWA8610142"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72327//GID 374870" LINK
name: "IWA8610140"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72325//GID 374868" LINK
name: "IWA8610135"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72326//GID 374869" LINK
name: "IWA8610138"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72324//GID 374867" LINK
name: "IWA8610134"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72323//GID 374866" LINK
name: "IWA8610124"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72322//GID 374865" LINK
name: "IWA8610123"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72319//GID 374863" LINK
name: "IWA8610120"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72320//GID 374864" LINK
name: "IWA8610121"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72318//GID 374862" LINK
name: "IWA8610119"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72317//GID 374861" LINK
name: "IWA8610114"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72315//GID 374859" LINK
name: "IWA8610076"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72316//GID 374860" LINK
name: "IWA8610090"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72314//GID 374858" LINK
name: "IWA8610075"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72312//GID 374856" LINK
name: "IWA8610066"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72313//GID 374857" LINK
name: "IWA8610072"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72310//GID 374855" LINK
name: "IWA8610039"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72308//GID 374853" LINK
name: "IWA8610036"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72307//GID 374852" LINK
name: "IWA8610035"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72305//GID 374850" LINK
name: "IWA8610032"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72306//GID 374851" LINK
name: "IWA8610033"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72304//GID 374849" LINK
name: "IWA8610031"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72303//GID 374848" LINK
name: "IWA8610030"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72301//GID 374846" LINK
name: "IWA8610027"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72302//GID 374847" LINK
name: "IWA8610029"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72300//GID 374845" LINK
name: "IWA8610026"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72299//GID 374844" LINK
name: "IWA8610025"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72297//GID 374842" LINK
name: "IWA8610023"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72298//GID 374843" LINK
name: "IWA8610024"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72296//GID 374841" LINK
name: "IWA8610021"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72294//GID 374839" LINK
name: "IWA8610005"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72295//GID 374840" LINK
name: "IWA8610020"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72293//GID 374838" LINK
name: "IWA8610004"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72292//GID 374837" LINK
name: "IWA8610001"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72290//GID 374835" LINK
name: "IWA8609996"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72291//GID 374836" LINK
name: "IWA8609999"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72289//GID 374834" LINK
name: "IWA8609995"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72288//GID 374833" LINK
name: "IWA8609992"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72287//GID 374832" LINK
name: "IWA8609990"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72285//GID 374830" LINK
name: "IWA8609988"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72286//GID 374831" LINK
name: "IWA8609989"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72284//GID 374829" LINK
name: "IWA8609987"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72282//GID 374827" LINK
name: "IWA8609980"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72283//GID 374828" LINK
name: "IWA8609982"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72281//GID 374826" LINK
name: "IWA8609979"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72280//GID 374825" LINK
name: "IWA8609977"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72279//GID 374824" LINK
name: "IWA8609976"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72278//GID 374823" LINK
name: "IWA8609975"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72276//GID 374821" LINK
name: "IWA8609973"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72277//GID 374822" LINK
name: "IWA8609974"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72275//GID 374820" LINK
name: "IWA8609972"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72274//GID 374819" LINK
name: "IWA8609971"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72272//GID 374817" LINK
name: "IWA8609969"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72273//GID 374818" LINK
name: "IWA8609970"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72271//GID 374816" LINK
name: "IWA8609968"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72270//GID 374815" LINK
name: "IWA8609967"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72269//GID 374814" LINK
name: "IWA8609964"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72268//GID 374813" LINK
name: "IWA8609962"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72267//GID 374812" LINK
name: "IWA8609961"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72266//GID 374811" LINK
name: "IWA8609960"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72264//GID 374809" LINK
name: "IWA8609957"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72265//GID 374810" LINK
name: "IWA8609959"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72263//GID 374808" LINK
name: "IWA8609952"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72262//GID 374807" LINK
name: "IWA8609949"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72261//GID 374806" LINK
name: "IWA8609948"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72260//GID 374805" LINK
name: "IWA8609947"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72259//GID 374804" LINK
name: "IWA8609946"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72258//GID 374803" LINK
name: "IWA8609945"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72256//GID 374801" LINK
name: "IWA8609943"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72257//GID 374802" LINK
name: "IWA8609944"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72255//GID 374800" LINK
name: "IWA8609942"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72253//GID 374798" LINK
name: "IWA8609940"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72254//GID 374799" LINK
name: "IWA8609941"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72252//GID 374797" LINK
name: "IWA8609939"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72251//GID 374796" LINK
name: "IWA8609938"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72250//GID 374795" LINK
name: "IWA8609935"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72249//GID 374794" LINK
name: "IWA8609934"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72247//GID 374792" LINK
name: "IWA8609931"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72246//GID 374791" LINK
name: "IWA8609930"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72245//GID 374790" LINK
name: "IWA8609929"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72243//GID 374788" LINK
name: "IWA8609927"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72242//GID 374787" LINK
name: "IWA8609925"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72240//GID 374785" LINK
name: "IWA8609923"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72241//GID 374786" LINK
name: "IWA8609924"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72238//GID 374783" LINK
name: "IWA8609921"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72239//GID 374784" LINK
name: "IWA8609922"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72237//GID 374782" LINK
name: "IWA8609920"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72235//GID 374780" LINK
name: "IWA8609917"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72236//GID 374781" LINK
name: "IWA8609918"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72234//GID 374779" LINK
name: "IWA8609916"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72232//GID 374777" LINK
name: "IWA8609914"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72233//GID 374778" LINK
name: "IWA8609915"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72231//GID 374776" LINK
name: "IWA8609910"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72230//GID 374775" LINK
name: "IWA8609909"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72229//GID 374774" LINK
name: "IWA8609906"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72227//GID 374772" LINK
name: "IWA8609895"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72228//GID 374773" LINK
name: "IWA8609902"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72226//GID 374771" LINK
name: "IWA8609894"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72224//GID 374769" LINK
name: "IWA8609867"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72225//GID 374770" LINK
name: "IWA8609879"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72223//GID 374768" LINK
name: "IWA8609866"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72221//GID 374766" LINK
name: "IWA8609848"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72222//GID 374767" LINK
name: "IWA8609862"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72219//GID 374764" LINK
name: "IWA8609834"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72218//GID 374763" LINK
name: "IWA8609822"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72216//GID 374761" LINK
name: "IWA8609818"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72217//GID 374762" LINK
name: "IWA8609819"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72215//GID 374760" LINK
name: "IWA8609817"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72213//GID 374758" LINK
name: "IWA8609808"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72214//GID 374759" LINK
name: "IWA8609810"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72212//GID 374757" LINK
name: "IWA8609806"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72211//GID 374756" LINK
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72210//GID 374755" LINK
name: "IWA8609799"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72209//GID 374754" LINK
name: "IWA8609798"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72207//GID 374752" LINK
name: "IWA8609791"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72208//GID 374753" LINK
name: "IWA8609793"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72206//GID 374751" LINK
name: "IWA8609786"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72204//GID 374749" LINK
name: "IWA8609763"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72203//GID 374748" LINK
name: "IWA8609761"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72201//GID 374746" LINK
name: "IWA8609757"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72202//GID 374747" LINK
name: "IWA8609759"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72200//GID 374745" LINK
name: "IWA8609755"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72199//GID 374744" LINK
name: "IWA8609754"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72198//GID 374743" LINK
name: "IWA8609753"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72196//GID 374741" LINK
name: "IWA8609746"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72197//GID 374742" LINK
name: "IWA8609750"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71476//GID 374042" LINK
name: "IWA8604668"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71450//GID 374016" LINK
name: "IWA8604480"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71451//GID 374017" LINK
name: "IWA8604482"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71446//GID 374012" LINK
name: "IWA8604463"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71445//GID 374011" LINK
name: "IWA8604452"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71444//GID 374010" LINK
name: "IWA8604451"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71400//GID 373966" LINK
name: "IWA8604196"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71395//GID 373961" LINK
name: "IWA8604181"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71394//GID 373960" LINK
name: "IWA8604169"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71387//GID 373953" LINK
name: "IWA8604141"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71385//GID 373951" LINK
name: "IWA8604124"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71382//GID 373948" LINK
name: "IWA8604118"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71378//GID 373944" LINK
name: "IWA8604108"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71377//GID 373943" LINK
name: "IWA8604107"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71375//GID 373941" LINK
name: "IWA8604105"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71374//GID 373940" LINK
name: "IWA8604104"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71089//GID 373661" LINK
name: "IWA8600944"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71042//GID 373615" LINK
name: "IWA8600735"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71039//GID 373612" LINK
name: "IWA8600713"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Facultative
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71038//GID 373611" LINK
name: "IWA8600712"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71023//GID 373596" LINK
name: "IWA8600658"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71022//GID 373595" LINK
name: "IWA8600652"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 70993//GID 373567" LINK
name: "IWA8600550"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 70893//GID 373467" LINK
name: "IWA8600044"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 70887//GID 373461" LINK
name: "IWA8600013"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 70884//GID 373458" LINK
name: "IWA8600008"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 70883//GID 373457" LINK
name: "IWA8600007"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66740//GID 283101" LINK
name: "IWA8610355"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66737//GID 283099" LINK
name: "IWA8610311"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66739//GID 283100" LINK
name: "IWA8610354"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66736//GID 283098" LINK
name: "IWA8610310"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66734//GID 283096" LINK
name: "IWA8610308"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66735//GID 283097" LINK
name: "IWA8610309"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66730//GID 283093" LINK
name: "IWA8610301"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66729//GID 283092" LINK
name: "IWA8610297"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66727//GID 283091" LINK
name: "IWA8610272"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66725//GID 283089" LINK
name: "IWA8610254"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66726//GID 283090" LINK
name: "IWA8610261"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66724//GID 283088" LINK
name: "IWA8610252"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66722//GID 283086" LINK
name: "IWA8610227"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66723//GID 283087" LINK
name: "IWA8610238"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66721//GID 283085" LINK
name: "IWA8610226"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66720//GID 283084" LINK
name: "IWA8610220"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66719//GID 283083" LINK
name: "IWA8610187"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66718//GID 283082" LINK
name: "IWA8610168"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66716//GID 283080" LINK
name: "IWA8610166"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66717//GID 283081" LINK
name: "IWA8610167"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66715//GID 283079" LINK
name: "IWA8610162"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66713//GID 283077" LINK
name: "IWA8610131"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66714//GID 283078" LINK
name: "IWA8610159"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66711//GID 283075" LINK
name: "IWA8610129"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66712//GID 283076" LINK
name: "IWA8610130"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66710//GID 283074" LINK
name: "IWA8610128"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66708//GID 283072" LINK
name: "IWA8610126"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66709//GID 283073" LINK
name: "IWA8610127"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66706//GID 283070" LINK
name: "IWA8610109"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66707//GID 283071" LINK
name: "IWA8610125"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66705//GID 283069" LINK
name: "IWA8610108"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66703//GID 283067" LINK
name: "IWA8610103"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66704//GID 283068" LINK
name: "IWA8610104"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66702//GID 283066" LINK
name: "IWA8610093"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66700//GID 283064" LINK
name: "IWA8610087"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66701//GID 283065" LINK
name: "IWA8610088"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66699//GID 283063" LINK
name: "IWA8610085"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66698//GID 283062" LINK
name: "IWA8610083"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66696//GID 283060" LINK
name: "IWA8610080"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66697//GID 283061" LINK
name: "IWA8610082"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66695//GID 283059" LINK
name: "IWA8610070"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66694//GID 283058" LINK
name: "IWA8610069"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66692//GID 283056" LINK
name: "IWA8610063"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66693//GID 283057" LINK
name: "IWA8610064"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66691//GID 283055" LINK
name: "IWA8610061"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66689//GID 283053" LINK
name: "IWA8610043"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66690//GID 283054" LINK
name: "IWA8610058"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1995
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57818//GID 190819" LINK
name: "IWA8609913"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57817//GID 190818" LINK
name: "IWA8609892"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57813//GID 190814" LINK
name: "IWA8609871"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57814//GID 190815" LINK
name: "IWA8609878"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57812//GID 190813" LINK
name: "IWA8609858"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57811//GID 190812" LINK
name: "IWA8609841"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57810//GID 190811" LINK
name: "IWA8609813"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57809//GID 190810" LINK
name: "IWA8609812"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57806//GID 190807" LINK
name: "IWA8609770"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57807//GID 190808" LINK
name: "IWA8609773"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57805//GID 190806" LINK
name: "IWA8609749"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57803//GID 190804" LINK
name: "IWA8609747"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57804//GID 190805" LINK
name: "IWA8609748"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57802//GID 190803" LINK
name: "IWA8609745"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 57801//GID 190802" LINK
name: "IWA8609740"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55803//GID 188807" LINK
name: "IWA8604877"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55727//GID 188731" LINK
name: "IWA8604666"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55728//GID 188732" LINK
name: "IWA8604667"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55726//GID 188730" LINK
name: "IWA8604664"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55725//GID 188729" LINK
name: "IWA8604663"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55718//GID 188722" LINK
name: "IWA8604648"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55622//GID 188626" LINK
name: "IWA8604171"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55617//GID 188621" LINK
name: "IWA8604159"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55615//GID 188619" LINK
name: "IWA8604157"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55616//GID 188620" LINK
name: "IWA8604158"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55614//GID 188618" LINK
name: "IWA8604156"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55609//GID 188613" LINK
name: "IWA8604145"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55610//GID 188614" LINK
name: "IWA8604146"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55608//GID 188612" LINK
name: "IWA8604139"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55605//GID 188609" LINK
name: "IWA8604134"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55604//GID 188608" LINK
name: "IWA8604133"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55602//GID 188606" LINK
name: "IWA8604110"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55603//GID 188607" LINK
name: "IWA8604129"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55601//GID 188605" LINK
name: "IWA8604103"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55598//GID 188602" LINK
name: "IWA8604091"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55294//GID 188298" LINK
name: "IWA8602404"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55226//GID 188230" LINK
name: "IWA8602269"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55194//GID 188198" LINK
name: "IWA8602215"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55192//GID 188196" LINK
name: "IWA8602213"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55136//GID 188140" LINK
name: "IWA8602109"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55114//GID 188118" LINK
name: "IWA8602061"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55046//GID 188050" LINK
name: "IWA8600943"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54892//GID 187896" LINK
name: "IWA8600706"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54872//GID 187876" LINK
name: "IWA8600670"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54861//GID 187865" LINK
name: "IWA8600650"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54826//GID 187830" LINK
name: "IWA8600585"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54454//GID 187458" LINK
name: "IWA8600006"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Markazi, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 49872//GID 147518" LINK
name: "IWA8610291"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1992
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 49871//GID 147517" LINK
name: "IWA8610290"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1992
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 49869//GID 147515" LINK
name: "IWA8610122"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 49875//GID 147521" LINK
name: "IWA8610346"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1992
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 66731//GID 147520" LINK
name: "IWA8610305"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1995
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 72349//GID 147516" LINK
name: "IWA8610270"
Triticum durum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO