Feridan MAP LINK
region: Isfahan Province
country: Iran
Lat: N 32° 58' 60" Long: E 50° 40' 0"
Environment > Altitude: 2491m
Climate 89857

Annual rainfall average: 230 mm
Maximum temp. average monthly: 17.31°
Average temperature, annual: 10.02°
Minimum temp. average monthly: 2.74°

collection date: 1935
site notes: Collected near Esfahan, Iran. Part of or from collection mostly dating from 1935 or earlier donated to USDA in 1997 by Qualset, C., University of California. Site data is often somewhat vague and unreliable.
accession number "CWI 74206//GID 373837" LINK
name: "IWA8603004"
Triticum aestivum
received: 1998
held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "37257" LINK
name: "PI 627597"
Triticum durum
received: 2009
notes: description: height=tallcm, awn=awned, glume=pubecent, glume colour=white/golden, spike density=intermediate, grain colour=elongated_light brown held genebank; AGG (AUS) INFO
accession number "PI 623113" LINK
name: "IWA8600220"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 623115" LINK
name: "IWA8600223"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 623174" LINK
name: "IWA8600722"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 623175" LINK
name: "IWA8600723"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 626787" LINK
name: "IWA8600224"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 626836" LINK
name: "IWA8600291"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627058" LINK
name: "IWA8600648"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627059" LINK
name: "IWA8600649"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627074" LINK
name: "IWA8600671"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627075" LINK
name: "IWA8600672"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627076" LINK
name: "IWA8600673"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627077" LINK
name: "IWA8600676"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627087" LINK
name: "IWA8600695"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627088" LINK
name: "IWA8600696"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627093" LINK
name: "IWA8600702"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627094" LINK
name: "IWA8600703"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627095" LINK
name: "IWA8600704"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627104" LINK
name: "IWA8600717"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627106" LINK
name: "IWA8600721"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627107" LINK
name: "IWA8600724"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627440" LINK
name: "IWA8602396"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627495" LINK
name: "IWA8602538"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627597" LINK
name: "IWA8603002"
Triticum durum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627598" LINK
name: "IWA8603003"
Triticum durum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "PI 627599" LINK
name: "IWA8603004"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: History: DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held by collector USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "CWI 71041//GID 373614" LINK
name: "IWA8600717"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71036//GID 373609" LINK
name: "IWA8600702"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71026//GID 373599" LINK
name: "IWA8600671"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 71021//GID 373594" LINK
name: "IWA8600648"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 70933//GID 373507" LINK
name: "IWA8600224"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 70932//GID 373506" LINK
name: "IWA8600220"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1997
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55358//GID 188362" LINK
name: "IWA8602538"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 55290//GID 188294" LINK
name: "IWA8602396"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54902//GID 187906" LINK
name: "IWA8600724"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54900//GID 187904" LINK
name: "IWA8600722"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54901//GID 187905" LINK
name: "IWA8600723"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54899//GID 187903" LINK
name: "IWA8600721"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54890//GID 187894" LINK
name: "IWA8600703"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54891//GID 187895" LINK
name: "IWA8600704"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54888//GID 187892" LINK
name: "IWA8600696"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54887//GID 187891" LINK
name: "IWA8600695"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54876//GID 187880" LINK
name: "IWA8600676"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54874//GID 187878" LINK
name: "IWA8600673"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54873//GID 187877" LINK
name: "IWA8600672"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54860//GID 187864" LINK
name: "IWA8600649"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54624//GID 187628" LINK
name: "IWA8600291"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Winter
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 54581//GID 187585" LINK
name: "IWA8600223"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1994
notes: COLLECTED Esfahan, Iran by. DONATED 10/23/1997 by Qualset, C., University of California held genebank; CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "44372" LINK
name: "PI 623113"
Triticum aestivum
received: 1970
held genebank; AGG (AUS) INFO