Rashidiye old site A collected in 1991 near cement factory MAP LINK
region: Tafilah Governate
country: Jordan
Lat: N 30° 40' 59.88" Long: E 35° 37' 0.12"
Environment > Altitude: 1398m
Climate 106643

Annual rainfall average: 249 mm
Maximum temp. average monthly: 22.95°
Average temperature, annual: 16.6°
Minimum temp. average monthly: 10.25°

collection date: 5th June 1995
accession number "PI 662265" LINK
name: "IG 115814"
collector's ID: "57"
Triticum urartu
habit: Winter
received: 2002
notes: History: DONATED 09/1998 by Valkoun, J., Int. Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas. DONATED 02/21/2002 by Dvorak, J., University of California - Davis held genebank; USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "IG 115814" LINK
collector's ID: "57"
Triticum urartu
held genebank; ICARDA (LBN) INFO
accession number "IG 115809" LINK
collector's ID: "58"
Triticum aethiopicum
held genebank; ICARDA (LBN) INFO