Mennchia MAP LINK
region: Kebili
country: Tunisia
Lat: N 33° 46' 59.88" Long: E 8° 51' 0"
Environment > Altitude: 46.1m
Climate 142855

Annual rainfall average: 92 mm
Maximum temp. average monthly: 28.91°
Average temperature, annual: 22.56°
Minimum temp. average monthly: 16.22°

collection date: 1st July 1972
accession number "IG 98601" LINK
name: "Ajili"
Triticum durum
held genebank; ICARDA (LBN) INFO
accession number "IG 98603" LINK
name: "Bedi"
Triticum durum
held genebank; ICARDA (LBN) INFO
accession number "IG 98602" LINK
name: "Arbi"
Triticum durum
held genebank; ICARDA (LBN) INFO
accession number "MGD0015699" LINK
name: "Arbi 1202-147"
Triticum spp.
received: 1974
held genebank; IBBR (ITA) INFO
accession number "MGD0015700" LINK
name: "Ajili 3314-149"
Triticum spp.
received: 1974
held genebank; IBBR (ITA) INFO
accession number "MGD0015701" LINK
name: "Arbi 5208-151"
Triticum spp.
received: 1974
held genebank; IBBR (ITA) INFO
accession number "MGD0015702" LINK
name: "Arbi 3128-153"
Triticum spp.
received: 1974
held genebank; IBBR (ITA) INFO
accession number "MGD0015703" LINK
name: "Arbi 4644-157"
Triticum spp.
received: 1974
held genebank; IBBR (ITA) INFO
accession number "MGD0015704" LINK
Triticum spp.
received: 1974
held genebank; IBBR (ITA) INFO
accession number "MGD0015705" LINK
name: "Ajili 4402-165"
Triticum spp.
received: 1974
held genebank; IBBR (ITA) INFO
accession number "MGD0016118" LINK
name: "Farine e arbi 4240-155"
Triticum spp.
received: 1974
held genebank; IBBR (ITA) INFO
accession number "MGD0016119" LINK
name: "Arbi 4612-159"
Triticum spp.
received: 1974
held genebank; IBBR (ITA) INFO
accession number "MGD0016120" LINK
name: "Bedi 3318-163"
Triticum spp.
received: 1974
held genebank; IBBR (ITA) INFO
accession number "CWI 23568//GID 256857" LINK
name: "Arbi 4612.159"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1985
notes: COLLECTED Kebili, Tunisia by. DONATED 07/1972 by University of Nebraska held by collector CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 23565//GID 256854" LINK
name: "Arbi 3128.153"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1985
notes: COLLECTED Kebili, Tunisia by. DONATED 07/1972 by University of Nebraska held by collector CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 23571//GID 6002531" LINK
name: "Agili 4402-165"
Triticum durum
habit: Spring
received: 2008
held by collector CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 23570//GID 203701" LINK
name: "BEDI3318.163 CI15483"
Triticum durum
habit: Spring
received: 1985
notes: COLLECTED Kebili, Tunisia by. DONATED 07/1972 by University of Nebraska held by collector CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 23569//GID 256858" LINK
name: "Arbiafili Romani"
Triticum durum
habit: Spring
received: 1985
notes: COLLECTED Kebili, Tunisia by. DONATED 07/1972 by University of Nebraska held by collector CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 23567//GID 256856" LINK
name: "Arbi 4644.157"
Triticum durum
habit: Spring
received: 1985
notes: COLLECTED Kebili, Tunisia by. DONATED 07/1972 by University of Nebraska held by collector CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CWI 23566//GID 256855" LINK
name: "FARINE4240.155"
Triticum durum
habit: Spring
received: 1985
notes: COLLECTED Kebili, Tunisia by. DONATED 07/1972 by University of Nebraska held by collector CIMMYT (MEX) INFO
accession number "CItr 15475" LINK
name: "Arbi"
collector's ID: "1202-147"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1972
notes: History: DONATED 07/1972 by University of Nebraska held genebank; USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "CItr 15478" LINK
name: "Arbi"
collector's ID: "3128-153"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1972
notes: History: DONATED 07/1972 by University of Nebraska held genebank; USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "CItr 15482" LINK
name: "Arbi"
collector's ID: "3208-161"
Triticum durum
habit: Spring
received: 1972
notes: History: DONATED 07/1972 by University of Nebraska held genebank; USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "CItr 15476" LINK
name: "Ajili"
collector's ID: "3314-149"
Triticum durum
habit: Spring
received: 1972
notes: History: DONATED 07/1972 by University of Nebraska held genebank; USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "CItr 15483" LINK
name: "Bedi"
collector's ID: "3318-163"
Triticum durum
habit: Spring
received: 1972
notes: History: DONATED 07/1972 by University of Nebraska held genebank; USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "CItr 15479" LINK
name: "Farine Arbi"
collector's ID: "4240-155"
Triticum durum
habit: Spring
received: 1972
notes: History: DONATED 07/1972 by University of Nebraska held genebank; USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "CItr 15484" LINK
name: "Ajili"
collector's ID: "4402-1-65"
Triticum durum
habit: Spring
received: 1972
notes: History: DONATED 07/1972 by University of Nebraska held genebank; USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "CItr 15481" LINK
name: "Arbi"
collector's ID: "4612-159"
Triticum aestivum
habit: Spring
received: 1972
notes: History: DONATED 07/1972 by University of Nebraska held genebank; USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "CItr 15480" LINK
name: "Arbi"
collector's ID: "4644-157"
Triticum durum
habit: Spring
received: 1972
notes: History: DONATED 07/1972 by University of Nebraska held genebank; USDA-ARS (USA) INFO
accession number "CItr 15477" LINK
name: "Arbi"
collector's ID: "5208-151"
Triticum durum
habit: Spring
received: 1972
notes: History: DONATED 07/1972 by University of Nebraska held genebank; USDA-ARS (USA) INFO