between town of Agra and town of Kanpur MAP LINK
region: Uttar Pradesh
country: India
Lat: N 26° 43' 59.99" Long: E 79° 15' 0"
Environment > Altitude: 143.8m
Climate 67360

Annual rainfall average: 862 mm
Maximum temp. average monthly: 33.05°
Average temperature, annual: 25.78°
Minimum temp. average monthly: 18.5°

Collector:VIR (RUS) INFO
Site collection ID:IND69::49
collection date: 1969
accession number "k48135" LINK
Triticum aestivum
habit: Summer
received: 1969
notes: VIR expedition > India - Dorofeev 1968 held by collector VIR (RUS) INFO
accession number "k48136" LINK
Triticum aestivum
habit: Summer
received: 1969
notes: VIR expedition > India - Dorofeev 1968 held by collector VIR (RUS) INFO