
4 search results for "KS96WGRC34"

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Triticum aestivum LINK
habit* =
status = Breeding/research material
order = available
GRIS{resistant = Lr; Lr(races KDB-10,MGM-10,MCD-10,TBG-10,MBR-10,PNM-10,18,PNM-10,MCR-10)}
# IG 146794

donor #: KS96WGRC34
received: Jan. 2010

United States
TAM107 / TA749 (Triticum monococcum subsp. aegilopoides) // Wrangler GRIS {TAM-107 / (TR.MO)TA-749 // Wrangler}
synonyms = GRIS {GP-553; KANSAS-96-WGRC-34; TA-5050;
other # = PI 604219 (USA029); TA5050; GRIS{K-65159; PI-604219}
Triticum aestivum
habit = Winter
status = Breeding/research material
order = available
GRIS{resistant = Lr; Lr(races KDB-10,MGM-10,MCD-10,TBG-10,MBR-10,PNM-10,18,PNM-10,MCR-10)}
# PI 604219


released: 1996
received: 17/7/1998

United States, Kansas (developed)
Tam-107 / TA 749 // Wrangler. GRIS {TAM-107 / (TR.MO)TA-749 // Wrangler}
synonyms = GRIS {GP-553; KANSAS-96-WGRC-34; TA-5050;
other # = GRIS{K-65159; PI-604219}
Remark: Leaf rust resistance conditioned by a single, dominant gene from TA 749. The gene is located on chromosome 5A and segregates independently of all other known genes transferred from T. monococcum to hexaploid wheat. Similar to Wrangler in height, days to heading, and overall phenotype, but has the T1Al-1RS translocation carried by TAM 107. History: DEVELOPED 1996 Kansas, United States by Sears, R., Kansas State University; Cox, T., USDA, ARS; Gill, B., Kansas State University; Hussien, T., Kansas State University; Brown-Guedira, G., USDA, ARS; Bowden, R., Kansas State University
Triticum aestivum
habit = Winter
status = Improved cultivar
order = not available
GRIS{resistant = Lr; Lr(races KDB-10,MGM-10,MCD-10,TBG-10,MBR-10,PNM-10,18,PNM-10,MCR-10)}
# CWI 80621
# GID 6425108


donor #: PI 604219
received: 2006

United States, Kansas
PI 604219{Tam-107 / TA 749 // Wrangler. GRIS {TAM-107 / (TR.MO)TA-749 // Wrangler}
synonyms = PI 604219{ GRIS {GP-553; KANSAS-96-WGRC-34; TA-5050;
other # = KS96WGRC34 [TA5050]; GRIS{K-65159; PI-604219}
DON#{Remark: Leaf rust resistance conditioned by a single, dominant gene from TA 749. The gene is located on chromosome 5A and segregates independently of all other known genes transferred from T. monococcum to hexaploid wheat. Similar to Wrangler in height, days to heading, and overall phenotype, but has the T1Al-1RS translocation carried by TAM 107. History: DEVELOPED 1996 Kansas, United States by Sears, R., Kansas State University; Cox, T., USDA, ARS; Gill, B., Kansas State University; Hussien, T., Kansas State University; Brown-Guedira, G., USDA, ARS; Bowden, R., Kansas State University}
OK05312 LINK
Triticum aestivum
habit* =
status = Breeding/research material
order = available
GRIS{susceptible = Sr(Ug99)
resistant = Lr,Wsbmv,Wssmv}
# PI 670019


received: 24/1/2014

United States, Oklahoma (developed)
TX93V5919 / KS96WGRC40 // OK94P549 / KS96WGRC34 GRIS {TX-93-V-5919 / KS-96-WGRC-40 // OK-94-P-549 / KS-96-WGRC-34}
other # = GRIS{PI-670019}
OK05312 is a hard red winter (HRW) wheat experimental line developed cooperatively by the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University Wheat Genetic and Genomics Resource Center, and USDA-ARS. It was released for breeding and experimental purposes in 2014 as a contemporary source of wheat curl mite resistance in a genetic background with acceptable end-use characteristics and competitive grain yielding ability. OK05312 exhibited antibiosis resistance when exposed to a mite population originally collected near Hays, KS (Murugan et al., 2011, J. Econ. Entol. 104: 1406-1414). Resistance was not compromised in the presence of WSMV. Further testing with a mite strain from Texas confirmed the strong level of resistance in OK05312 relative to its parents. Gene Cmc4 is present in OK05312, whereas the TIAL?IRS translocation is absent. Across 44 site-years of replicated yield trials from 2005 to 2012, grain yield of OK05312 was similar to Endurance and Duster, two widely grown HRW cultivars Test weight is above-average relative to most HRW cultivars. OK05312 is resistant to the wheat soilborne mosaic-wheat spindle streak mosaic complex, and exhibits moderate resistance in the adult-plant stages to leaf rust. Reactions to stripe rust may vary in the field under natural infection according to the primary races present. OK05312 segregates for resistance and susceptibility to race PST-100. OK05312 is moderately to fully susceptible to most races of P. graminis f. sp. tritici present in the U.S., and is susceptible to Ug99 and derivatives. Spikes of OK05312 are fully awned and white-chaffed. Maturity patterns resemble Endurance, a late-maturing HRW cultivar. OK05312 produces moderately large kernels and a flour with below-average protein content, above-average extraction rate, and intermediate mixing tolerance, loaf volume, and crumb grain scores.
Given name + traits Accession # + images 
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OriginNOTE + collected Ancestry Other names + other # Notes
Triticum aestivum LINK
habit* =
status = Breeding/research material
order = available
GRIS{resistant = Lr; Lr(races KDB-10,MGM-10,MCD-10,TBG-10,MBR-10,PNM-10,18,PNM-10,MCR-10)}
# IG 146794

donor #: KS96WGRC34
received: Jan. 2010

United States
TAM107 / TA749 (Triticum monococcum subsp. aegilopoides) // Wrangler GRIS {TAM-107 / (TR.MO)TA-749 // Wrangler}
synonyms = GRIS {GP-553; KANSAS-96-WGRC-34; TA-5050;
other # = PI 604219 (USA029); TA5050; GRIS{K-65159; PI-604219}
Triticum aestivum
habit = Winter
status = Breeding/research material
order = available
GRIS{resistant = Lr; Lr(races KDB-10,MGM-10,MCD-10,TBG-10,MBR-10,PNM-10,18,PNM-10,MCR-10)}
# PI 604219


released: 1996
received: 17/7/1998

United States, Kansas (developed)
Tam-107 / TA 749 // Wrangler. GRIS {TAM-107 / (TR.MO)TA-749 // Wrangler}
synonyms = GRIS {GP-553; KANSAS-96-WGRC-34; TA-5050;
other # = GRIS{K-65159; PI-604219}
Remark: Leaf rust resistance conditioned by a single, dominant gene from TA 749. The gene is located on chromosome 5A and segregates independently of all other known genes transferred from T. monococcum to hexaploid wheat. Similar to Wrangler in height, days to heading, and overall phenotype, but has the T1Al-1RS translocation carried by TAM 107. History: DEVELOPED 1996 Kansas, United States by Sears, R., Kansas State University; Cox, T., USDA, ARS; Gill, B., Kansas State University; Hussien, T., Kansas State University; Brown-Guedira, G., USDA, ARS; Bowden, R., Kansas State University
Triticum aestivum
habit = Winter
status = Improved cultivar
order = not available
GRIS{resistant = Lr; Lr(races KDB-10,MGM-10,MCD-10,TBG-10,MBR-10,PNM-10,18,PNM-10,MCR-10)}
# CWI 80621
# GID 6425108


donor #: PI 604219
received: 2006

United States, Kansas
PI 604219{Tam-107 / TA 749 // Wrangler. GRIS {TAM-107 / (TR.MO)TA-749 // Wrangler}
synonyms = PI 604219{ GRIS {GP-553; KANSAS-96-WGRC-34; TA-5050;
other # = KS96WGRC34 [TA5050]; GRIS{K-65159; PI-604219}
DON#{Remark: Leaf rust resistance conditioned by a single, dominant gene from TA 749. The gene is located on chromosome 5A and segregates independently of all other known genes transferred from T. monococcum to hexaploid wheat. Similar to Wrangler in height, days to heading, and overall phenotype, but has the T1Al-1RS translocation carried by TAM 107. History: DEVELOPED 1996 Kansas, United States by Sears, R., Kansas State University; Cox, T., USDA, ARS; Gill, B., Kansas State University; Hussien, T., Kansas State University; Brown-Guedira, G., USDA, ARS; Bowden, R., Kansas State University}
OK05312 LINK
Triticum aestivum
habit* =
status = Breeding/research material
order = available
GRIS{susceptible = Sr(Ug99)
resistant = Lr,Wsbmv,Wssmv}
# PI 670019


received: 24/1/2014

United States, Oklahoma (developed)
TX93V5919 / KS96WGRC40 // OK94P549 / KS96WGRC34 GRIS {TX-93-V-5919 / KS-96-WGRC-40 // OK-94-P-549 / KS-96-WGRC-34}
other # = GRIS{PI-670019}
OK05312 is a hard red winter (HRW) wheat experimental line developed cooperatively by the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University Wheat Genetic and Genomics Resource Center, and USDA-ARS. It was released for breeding and experimental purposes in 2014 as a contemporary source of wheat curl mite resistance in a genetic background with acceptable end-use characteristics and competitive grain yielding ability. OK05312 exhibited antibiosis resistance when exposed to a mite population originally collected near Hays, KS (Murugan et al., 2011, J. Econ. Entol. 104: 1406-1414). Resistance was not compromised in the presence of WSMV. Further testing with a mite strain from Texas confirmed the strong level of resistance in OK05312 relative to its parents. Gene Cmc4 is present in OK05312, whereas the TIAL?IRS translocation is absent. Across 44 site-years of replicated yield trials from 2005 to 2012, grain yield of OK05312 was similar to Endurance and Duster, two widely grown HRW cultivars Test weight is above-average relative to most HRW cultivars. OK05312 is resistant to the wheat soilborne mosaic-wheat spindle streak mosaic complex, and exhibits moderate resistance in the adult-plant stages to leaf rust. Reactions to stripe rust may vary in the field under natural infection according to the primary races present. OK05312 segregates for resistance and susceptibility to race PST-100. OK05312 is moderately to fully susceptible to most races of P. graminis f. sp. tritici present in the U.S., and is susceptible to Ug99 and derivatives. Spikes of OK05312 are fully awned and white-chaffed. Maturity patterns resemble Endurance, a late-maturing HRW cultivar. OK05312 produces moderately large kernels and a flour with below-average protein content, above-average extraction rate, and intermediate mixing tolerance, loaf volume, and crumb grain scores.

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